lørdag den 11. juni 2011

The Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution roots stretching far back in the 1800s, the Crimean War and the abolition of serfdom. In my presentation I will start here and work my way up through the history of revolutions in 1917. I will discuss the circumstances that cause tsar decline in February. And assess why the Provisional Government can not keep power, which are taken over by the Bolsheviks in October the same year.

1856 - Crimean War and the abolition of life own cabinet

In 1856 Crimean War ends with defeat to Russia. This causes the government to realize that reform of Russian society is necessary. In 1861 serfdom is abolished. This meant that farmers no longer need to work for landowners who previously had the right to treat them as slaves. However, this has not much impact on the living conditions as peasants have almost no land, and therefore do not achieve economic independence from landlords. At the same time they must pay large fees .3-s .1 and K.10-s3).

Population growth in European Russia was large: In 1860 there were around. 50 million. people in 1900 approx. 86 million. Only 10-15% could be absorbed by the cities. 10-s.3-L. 12). This results in food shortages. Around the year 1900 lives, 9 out of 10 Russians in the villages, to compare living 80% of the Englishmen in town.

The peasants were wan and gaunt, hard facial expression ... - American military attaché.

They become known as the "brown people" (K.10 - p.35 and 38). The peasants are living a miserable life then and it is also indirectly helping to overthrow the Tsar 17 years later.

In the 1860s developed infrastructure with many kilometers of railway, this is mostly 30 years later, helping to start the industrialization that occurred late in Russia. Since industry so suddenly appears moving large numbers of peasants into the town and creates a new form of citizen-worker. In contrast to Western Europe will be in Russia, no real citizen or middle class who could have served as an economic or political power (K.3 p.1). The vast majority of citizens of still pawns, but the small group of workers must prove to have great importance to history.

In February 1904 the Japanese attacked the Russian fleet off Port Arthur. The Russian Navy suffered one defeat after another and lose the war. (K.8-S51 and 52).


Russia was here ruled by the autocratic Tsar. He had the last word in any context. He had, however, ministers, but could at any time, trump their decisions. Most Russians, however, accepted this form of governance up to the turn of the century. Here begins the broad opposition to the regime. One reason for this was Tsar Nicholas d.2s incompetent leadership style. He was not interested in general community problems, yet he used from time to time its power to trump the decisions on matters over which seemed more fair (K.11-p.9). Added to this was the Tsar, Tsarina through, guided by a peasant named Rasputin, who apparently have magical powers. All this contributes to people's growing anger against the Tsar, and the formation of political parties.


At the country among the majority of Russia's population, formed two parties who generally pursue the same policy: Trudovikpartiet and the Social-Revolutionary Party. They require land to the peasants, a free constitution, the abolition of autocracy and the establishment of a republican regime (K.11-11).

In 1905 founded, mainly landowners, manufacturers and people in the professions, the Kadet Party (The Constitutional Democrats) (K1-s3). They require a free constitution of limited monarchy as seen in Europe (K.11-11).

The Social Democratic Party, some voters consisting mainly of workers, will in 1903 (K.11 says 1905, but both K.3 and K.14 says 1903) split into two factions: the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks (K.3 p.1) . This happens because of disagreements about who should have access to the lot. Lenin and the Bolsheviks believe that a member of the party "is one who accepts its program, and supports both tangible and by personal participation in one of its organizations", while the Mensheviks favored a softer version (K.14-s2). Common to the two groupings is that, according to the Marxist theory, consider the working class to be an important element of the Revolution (K.3 p.1).

1905 - rehearsal

Events, or the revolution of 1905 is often referred to as a rehearsal for the events in 1917.

Workers at Putilov-engine factory in St. Petersburg. Petersburg yesterday, because of combustion of 4 colleagues on strike on 4 January. The required reduction of working time, improvements in sanitation and medical care. Soon follow other St. Petersburg workers their example, and the discussion will also cover concepts such as freedom, free elections, free speech and an end to censorship. This lead to 200,000 workers (K.8 believe 100,000), 9 January, march to the Winter Palace. At the head of the crowd is a priest named Gapon (all this k. 1). Gapon deployed by the government earlier to gain control over the work it receives, however, he did not and are caught by the leader of the Movement (K.11-11). He carries a letter he will present to the Tsar. The letter says blah.:

We work in the city of St. Petersburg, our wives, children and helpless old parents have come to you, sir, to seek justice and protection. We are impoverished, oppressed, overburdened with work: one scorns us; no one considers us as humans. You treat us like slaves. We tolerate all this, but encountered us further and further into poverty while the quagmire into lawlessness and ignorance. We choked in despotism and arbitrariness. Our forces fail, my lord; our patience is exhausted. We have come to the moment when death is more welcome than the continuation of the unbearable torture ... Command and swear that you will honor our wishes, and you will make Russia happy and fame. Your name will forever be inscribed in our hearts and our descendents. Commands you do not, then we die here on this square in front of your castle. (K.5)

In the text worker falls to his knees for the Tsar. Yet he is considered as a benefactor and protector, and the workers believe that some just Tsar get to know their problems, he will help (K2-p.1-a.5). They are carrying religious banners and pictures of the Tsar and Tsarina (K6-p.31). But the Tsar not staying at the Winter Palace that day. He is 40 km away at Alexander Palace (K.8-p.52-l.27). Back in St. Petersburg. Petersburg will be fired on the crowd. There are different views on how many die: K.1.: 1000, K6.: Hundreds, K.7: probably between 1000 and 4000, K.10: over 100, but the main thing is that it is a culls of unarmed civilians. From that day is people's faith in the Tsar. Father Georgy Gapon says:

"We no longer tsar. A river of blood separates the tsar from the people. Long live the fight for freedom! "(K9-a.4)

The unrest spread to other provinces. All this resulted in increased political activity. The liberal gathers in the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadet Party), the Social Revolutionaries increased in rural areas and in St. Petersburg. Petersburg forming a Soviet industrial workers (K.10-p.4-L.5).

To stabilize the situation sends Czar "October Manifesto", the people here are guaranteed civil and political rights and the establishment of an elected government body. There is created a State Council, whose members are selected by the Tsar, the nobility and the church, and a State Duma whose members are appointed by the people. It depends on how much land you own how much your voice watchman. Duma has no real power and is really only a guiding role opposite the Tsar. There are also promised freedom of speech, this will not be honored. Russia undergoes a modernization of agriculture, after a series of political reforms. All this contributes to the Tsar again obtains control of the country (K.3 p.2). In the period 1909 to 1913 industrial output rises by 50% and grain production by 25%. The price of agricultural commodities rising, farmers are a bit richer. But workers' wages not included. In February 1912 are striking works that demand more in wages, killed by Lena River in Siberia. This triggers a wave of stretching first stops at the beginning of Russia's struggle in 1st World War (K.11-13).


Stabilize the core have a bank close by Russia indtrædning in 1st World War, where Russia with its allies France and Britain faced Germany and Austria-Hungary. Thousands of workers gather in front of the Tsar's palace and shouting "God save Tsar" (K6-p.81). Everywhere supports the people up on the Tsar. It brings together people on the outside enemy Germany. From 1913 to 1916 increased the army from 1.3 million. to 14 million. men (K.11-p.14). The industry is put on to produce weapons, but there is still not enough (K.15-p.44-L.17). There are people sent to war which will only have a gun when one of their comrades dead. As a result of shortages of weapons, ammunition, clothing, blankets and food does not go well for the army in the war. Food shortages spreading to large industrial and urban areas. The mood turns and "God save Tsar" becomes "Down with autocracy and war" (K.11-15). Tsar raises itself to the front to lead the army, but since it does not have much success with it to further to weaken the Tsar's authority, because the responsibility falls on him personally .. The atmosphere is explosive, the revolution may break out any moment, there only remains an event to put people in motion. This would not be an organized coup, because all revolutionaries are either in exile, in prison or abroad, but a broad popular movement (K6-p.92). Duma calls to meet demands for democratization, to appoint a government which has public confidence. This belongs to the Tsar (K.15-p.44). Rodzjanko drinking in February 1917, an influential leader of the Duma center party, tea with the Tsar. He says the show is not being formed an accountable government "will result revolution and anarchy that nobody will be able to control" (K6-p.92).

February Revolution

The wide range of Petrograd (St. name. Petersburg had been replaced by the less German-sounding name) workers in the winter of 1916-1917 culminating in February. The stretching required bread. The military commander makes military action against the workers but entire departments refusing to take orders and many soldiers go to the demonstrative (K.15-p.46).

(...) Today, the agitation increased to an even greater extent, and it is already possible to locate the senior center from which directives are received. Apparently, the lead agency is not party central character (...)

I notice that, among military units, convened with the purpose to suppress the riots, one must note that several cases of fraternisering with the demonstrators. Some units are expressed (even) there overtures by encouraging the mob. They say: "Move faster." ... D. 25 / 2 1917 - Telephone Reporting to the secret police headquarters (K.11-p.22).

Riot perishes so without the revolutionary leaders, the regime had maritime law to get them off the road. Strikes are ruled by a Soviet-made up of workers and soldiers (K.15-p.46). As Duma implore Czar on the need to insert a new government that can win the trust of the population, he dissolves it. Duma remain together to declare that the old government is deposed and a reduction of an interim committee which will be responsible for the government. Czar has no option but to resign. It should be noted here that the Duma only enough grip to such drastic means as they believed that power would go to the revolutionary parties. This could get Russia to end the chaos and dissolution and the country would be defenseless against the enemies of Austria-Hungary and Germany (K.15-p.46).

Double Power

Duma has now officially in power. Soviet publishes its first order, first in March 1917:

To garrisons in Petrograd militærdistirkt. To all soldiers from the Army, Guard, artillery and navy and the orientation of the inhabitants of Petrograd. The following must be immediately performed and observed:

Soviet of workers 'and soldiers' representatives have agreed to.

(...) 4 Orders from the Duma Military Committee should only be observed in cases where they are not contrary to orders and decisions taken by the Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' (...) - 1 / 3 March-1917th Issuing orders from Soviet (K.11-p.32).

Soviet, then says that they are the supreme power body, a higher Duma. Duma believes the opposite. Soldiers 'desire for peace and Peasants' desire for land will not be honored. Opposition to the mainly bourgeois Provisional Government, is growing and the Soviets as the population throughout the country, organized during the Revolution, continues to operate (K.16-p.9).

In the middle of June to meet representatives of all the Soviets for the first alrussiske Soviet Congress. Soviets declare that it is its duty to ensure that the revolution leads to a democratic society. The provisional government to implement democratic reforms, the secret police would be abolished, but it is still big problems to solve farmers' land distribution problems and provide enough bread. This is very difficult to solve in the midst of a major war. The Government believes that this war must be pursued. The alternative would be an entirely peaceful conditions on the enemy. The Soviets supported the war as long as it has the character as a defensive war (K.15-p.48). Mensheviks leader the first month Soviet. The first free elections takes place in May-June 1917, it was the elections for city and distriktsdumaer. The social revolutionaries win overall elections big they get the 58% to 17% the Cadets, Mensheviks and Bolsheviks 12% 12%. But already in August-September, the Bolsheviks sought the Socialist Revolutionaries in several cities (K.17-p.7). Bolsheviks, led by Trotsky and Lenin to homes to wait and confer in autumn 1917 a majority of major Soviets, including Petrograd and Moscow (K4 p.2).

October Revolution

In mid-September, says Lenin, that "the people's majority are on our side" and that the Bolsheviks can not wait for "a formal majority" when time is short because of Kerensky (social revolutionary leader of the Duma) plans to surrender Petrograd to the Germans. Lenin proposed a "rebel ... treated as art", so a different view than what the Bolsheviks earlier thinking which said that a rebel can not be planned but are created (K.17-p.9). On 25 October, Under the slogan "All power to the Soviets, the Bolsheviks storm the Winter Palace where the government provides for. Thus, power passed to the Soviets (K.15-p.51). Gennemførslen same day as the coup, will meet the alrussiske Soviet Congress. Bolsheviks have 46% of the seats. In protest against the coup, leaving the Mensheviks and Right Socialist Revolutionaries, Congress. Since there are many other than Lenin's Bolsheviks back are government people Commissioners' council approved. Three weeks later held elections to the Constituent Assembly. Bolsheviks get 25%, the Socialist Revolutionaries 58%, 4% Mensheviks and the bourgeois parties 13%. The order, however, no bearing on when the Assembly will hold its first meeting in January 1918, it is closed by the Bolshevik government. Party system is now a reality. (K.15-p.51).

The causes of the revolution in February.

The reasons I will look at taking his start in 1861. It starts otherwise positively with the removal of life own cabinet. But land is still owned by lords and peasants bit itself is violently taxed. So they live so still as if they were slaves. At the same time there is a massive population growth. Since cities can not opsluse so much of this increase will end up with that more farmers to the same land. This results in hunger. Tsar while trying to downplay and suppress information about the famine. A concrete example is when an area near the Volga, in 1871 and two years, suffering from hunger and epidemic diseases, states that "There is no famine in Russia, but the harvest has failed in some parts of the country." Tens of thousands of people die (K6-p.18). This benefit is not exactly the tsar's reputation among the peasants, by far the largest ethnic group in Russia.

Russia's tax policies based on taxing the ordinary food. This led to the poor pay a much higher percentage in tax than the rich (K.15-p.30). These heavy taxes, land shortage, poor living conditions, brutality and contempt for the more advanced classes did peasant population politically unstable and this is a major factor in the revolution.

Since industrialization comes to Russia set up factories in major cities, including St. Petersburg. Petersburg. This means a lot to the revolution because many state apparatus also located here. The result is that a small amount of rebellious workers have very easy access to power. And the workers had good reason to be rebellious: Working time was 11 ½ hours, but this limit was rarely observed. Wages were seldom big enough you could buy your own apartment, many slept in the barracks affiliated factory (K.15-p.31 & 32).

Humiliation of the Russian fleet in 1904 will have many Russians to lose the faith they had on the handlebars as insurmountable.

When the Tsar, as population while suspect to be guided by "the monk" Rasputin, apparently ordering opened fire on a peaceful crowd, it's the last straw for many Russians who are carriers for the overflow. He retains only narrowly his post and will be forced to hand over power to the Duma. At the same time he issued the Manifesto in October, this leads the public to calm down. But since many of the Tsar's promises in the manifesto is not respected and the Duma has no real power is all in the same old. As people realize this smoldering rebellion again.

Peter Durnovo who was a faithful supporter of the reactionary regime warned against a war against Germany. This would certainly end in failure and lead to a "social revolution in the most extreme form" (K6-p.72). But as in many other cases, such as before mentioned Rodzjanko (write which), the Tsar chose not to listen to his supporters. This would later come to cost him dearly.

As Peter Durnovo predicted suffering Russia wealth of defeats on the Western Front and food shortages on the front, as well as in cities that result in the demonstration to the bread which later evolves into the uprising that overturned the Tsar.

"The prime minister, Prince Golizyn.

In light of the particular circumstances which have arisen, we command in accordance with Basic Law Article 99, the Duma current session to be set. By April, a new day of work resumption determined.

The government must immediately implement this order ..

Nicholas "- d. 27 / 2 1917 (K.11-p.26)

As the Duma comes with the proposal for a new government that the people will have confidence Tsar chose to dissolve it. He will not give any power, but with this tactic ends up, paradoxically, as he loses all power.

Maps can be said that the cause of the February revolution lies in: a long amateurish leadership of the people, poor living conditions and urbanization and industrialization (people can more easily organize themselves and is even close to the power center).

Reasons to The Provisional Government will lose power to the Bolsheviks

The provisional government consisted only of bourgeois parties. Later there came also Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries with. The Government had from its creation run a power game with the Soviets, who believed they had the last say in some cases. Most of the workers and soldiers also preferred the Soviets rather than the civil government. Since the government did not solve the rural population land distribution problem, they begin even to seize land and manor houses burn down (K.15-p.48). The government's impotence not just get people to believe them rather than the Soviets, and that parties, at least not initially, reflecting public opinion helps to Bolshevik positions and the cry "All power to the Soviets" have such a great influence on people.

The government stuck to respect its obligations towards its allies in the war and believed that the United States' entry would be near the end for the Germans. But the general population had had enough of war, the army was dissolved, and thousands of soldiers deserted. Most of the common people were, like the Bolsheviks, against the war. This leads the public to support up to condemn the Bolsheviks and the Provisional Government further.

Here is an appeal from Lenin to the masses, written between the 14th - 20th October 1917:

"For the workers, peasants and soldiers!

Comrades! The Socialist Revolutionary Party, which Kerensky hears appeals to you to "be patient" (...).

Comrades! See you, see what happens in the village, what happens in the army, and I will understand that the peasants and the soldiers will not tolerate it anymore. Across Russia swells like a broad river rebellion, raised by the peasants, who by fraud have been withheld from soil. The peasants will not tolerate it anymore, Kerensky sends troops to suppress the peasants and defend landlords. Kerensky has again come to an agreement with kornilovistgeneraler and officers who support landlords. "

Lenin spoke to the rural population, which in turn was the Socialist Revolutionary Party's core voters. This is also by far the largest ethnic group in Russia and therefore also in the army. With this maneuver will Bolsheviks both the broad popular support and a lot of soldiers, the latter are important ways they will make a successful revolution without being held back by the army. He continues:

"If power is in the hands of the Soviets by the 25th October - So

Would a just peace will be offered to all belligerents. There will be a worker and peasant government in Russia, it will immediately without wasting a single day, offering the warring peoples a just peace. Then people see who wants the unjust war. Then people will decide in the Constituent Assembly. If power is in the hands of the Soviets, then the landowners land immediately be declared to the whole people and property inheritance. (...) All power to the workers 'and Soldiers' Soviets! "(K.10-p.13 & 14)

Lenin assured that he would stop the war. At the same time he promises justice, respect to land distribution, and democracy.

Another major problem in the revolution of time the food situation, which is impossible to solve in the chaotic time the country was in. Bolshevik slogan "bread, land and peace", therefore, falls on a sore point for the government.

The fact that both the Mensheviks, Socialist Revolutionaries and cadet party participating in the Provisional Government, makes the Bolsheviks are the only alternative that will increase their support: in June 1917 has 13% of the delegates while in October the 46% (K.15-s .50).

Although large parts of the rural population began to support up to bolsjevikkerner was the Socialist Revolutionaries still the largest party in many parts of the country. But when government institutions are located in cities, as Moscow and largely Petrograd, this does not mean that the Bolshevik revolution could not be implemented. For the Bolsheviks were clearly the largest party among the workers in cities, up to the revolution.

The main reasons for the provisional government loses power must therefore be that they do not correct quickly enough up on the problems, while the alternative (Bolsheviks) work tactically astute and have large masses, most importantly the soldiers over to their side. The government had not solved the problem of dual power with the Soviets, they had not solved the land distribution problem and the continuing war. While talking Bolsheviks peasants, soldiers and workers' case and get more and more over on their side. They promise a solution to the land distribution problem, the promise of democracy, the promise of a halt to the war, promising food and is the only real alternative to the government. The actual revolution is well planned and thoughtful, although it does not go quite according to plan, and they have the military and the workers who are close to power agencies, support.