lørdag den 11. juni 2011

Biotechnology Glossary


➲ With gene therapy seeks to modify the genetic material in human cells by a preparation or other techniques such as laser beams. There is a distinction between gene therapy on somatic cell and gene therapy on germ cells.

· Treatment of certain genetic diseases, where one inserts the cells with healthy genes to replace or supplement cells with sick genes.

in vivo:
In vivo (Latin: in life) is a designation used in biology and medicine on experiments conducted in a living organism. Animal studies (particularly vivisection) and clinical trials are examples of in vivo research.

in vitro:

· In vitro (Latin: in glass) is a designation used in biology about the making experiments outside a living organism, typically in a test tube.

Mathematical størrelelsesbegreb that both consists of a number and a direction.
A DNA molecule (plasmid or virus) which can move DNA i.

Various tiny microscopic naturally occurring protein substances that provoke allergies to produce antidotes (antibodies). The most common substances that produce allergy are:
pollen from weeds, grasses, flowers and trees
mildew and mold.
dust mites
fur animals (eg dogs and cats).

One of the body's defense against invasive microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. Antibodies are effective because they are specialized to be able to "recognize" certain microorganisms. Therefore, they react quickly and accurately when a microorganism is recognized. The first time the body is subjected to a certain type of microorganism formed antibody against precisely this type. The body becomes infected again are the antibodies clear.


· The process in the cell where the mRNA is translated into amino acids to the ribosome by transfer RNA.


· The portion of a gene not translated into a protein through translation. Seen only in eukaryotes. Before mRNA leaves the nucleus, introns are removed enzymatically, leaving only the meaningful parts of the mRNA (exon) from the ribosome.

The portion of a gene which translate into protein.

Recombinant DNA:
DNA containing non-original (foreign) DNA. Genetically engineered DNA.


· Enzymes are a large group of (mainly) proteins that are able to catalyze chemical processor without being consumed in the process. Enzymes are named after the chemical reaction they catalyze, or what substrate they act on, eg. lipases (break down lipids), protease (breaks down protein), hydrogen laser (hydrolyzes substances) ect.Enzymer is responsible for coordination and speed of virtually all life processes within a living organism. Also called biokatylasatorer.

The process whereby the DNA molecule copies itself

The process where the DNA as a template formed m-RNA

polymerase chain reaction (PCR):

· PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is a genforstærkningsteknik (polymerase chain reaction) for detection of microorganisms.