In my job I will give an analysis and interpretation of Andersen's lovers (text 2). Then I put the tale kærlighedssyn in relation to the views of Comte-Sponvilles fidelity (text 1).
Lovers of Hans Christian Andersen is a story from the collection New Adventure from 1843. Adventure about a top that falls in love with a ball. Just love it, as will be emphasized in the task. To make the analysis more manageable, I've divided the story into six sections:
1) Line 1 - 5: Top Bolden ask whether they should be lovers, but the ball seems that it is much finer than the top, and therefore refuses to answer questions on the ball.
2) Line 6 to 27: The top is "Gejl" the little boy who owns the toy. As a result, when the top again ask for the ball, they must be lovers, the ball will now correspond to the peak issue, but despite that the top was fine, then rejects the ball still top because it is engaged to a swallow. It promises never to forget the top.
3) Line 28 to 36: The ball is thrown up into the air and disappear from the peak life, and think the top ball is taken up to the balcony, and married.
4) Line 37 to 42: While the years go by, thinking the top is still on the ball, which in peak thoughts become prettier and prettier.
5) Line 43 to 65: The Top is the second time in the story "Gejl" - this time it will be gold and have never been more beautiful. Accidentally ends up in the garbage pail top. Here he meets the ball, which been damaged by rain water, and the ball will be happy to see the top. The ball is now mentioned as a top "[D] One's Right" (l. 59th p. 7), but the top does not match ball.
6) Line 69 to 75: A maid takes the top and take it back in the room while the ball is forgotten and gone. The peak love the ball is moved after it met the ball destroyed in the garbage pail.
The story examines a top developer in two areas. One is where it becomes "Gejl" in Section 2 and Section 5, and therefore in the eyes of the ball from being wretched to be its equal. The second area is the love for the summit. In Section 1 - 2 is top and a ball together. Here are the top in love with the ball. In section 3 - 4 has the ball away and Top dreaming now on the ball as it becomes more and more fascinated by the year yesterday. But when the top of Section 5, both meetings ball destroyed, which also recognizes the top as its just realize top that it really was in love with the dream of the ball.
It seems obvious to say that the adventure is the story of Andersen's own life and love relationships, but I will not put emphasis on. I will however focus on the peak in love with the ball.
In Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale antropomorfisere top and a ball by giving them the human personality. Therefore, both the top and a ball is described, as were the people who lived on the Hans Christian Andersen. There were a large share of society's classes. Upper classes were small and isolated from the mob.
Looking at the description of the ball, you can draw that she you have to be from the upper classes: "[The ball] was made from Saffian, and thought just as much, as a slender lady" (l. 3 p. 6). The description appears upper-class character clearly knows that she is fine when she is made of Saffian and are compared with a slender lady. As the top ball wonder whether they should be lovers, the ball will not even respond, which clearly indicates that the top is fine - ie. from the mob. The method of Andersen differentiate the various walks through the toy is a toy materials, colors and behavior. Through the story becomes top painted twice and each time than the ladder in the eyes of the ball - ie. society. The ascent can be seen at the ball showing interest towards the top, where the first section do not bother talking to the top of the second section recognizes the top, and the third section called Top of the straight. The last time the ball call on its top right, top, however, rejects the ball, by not answering the ball. When you read it, you come immediately to mind that the top is now taking revenge when the ball was old and ugly. But Andersen's fairy tale ends with what might be called a moral, which changes the approach to just peak rejection of the ball. The moral is: "[Love] goes over when sweetheart has been five years in a Migrant and leaked, no one knows her, never again when you meet her in the dust-bin." (L. 73 p. 7). It is now understood that the top ball refuses, because top discovers that it has only been in love with the dream of getting the ball, and certainly not in the ball.
Tale is a story about how a love for a woman to become a love for love. It becomes a tale of unattainable love, and when it accidentally becomes an achievable love, it suddenly falls away. The theme of love of love, which is a theme of lovers, is also also a theme in André Comte-Sponville essay faithfulness.
André Comte-Sponville essay addresses the theme of faithfulness fidelity in a relationship. About relationships, he writes: "In most cases the love of the dollars for love" (l. 62 p. 5), and it is then keep a couple together is: "love to love, then both the current ( voluntary and conscious-maintained) and that was. "(l. 70 p. 5). André Comte-Sponville'm so love to love as it is defined faithfulness in a relationship.
Hans Christian Andersen and André Comte-Sponville writes both a love for something other than where love begins - with love for one person. They write about how this love can be changed to love to love. The story made this negatively, as something one must be careful not to become infatuated and who can suddenly turn and you will hit the ground with a smack. In contrast essay produced the phenomenon as a way to preserve what one of modern "youth program" language would call spark.
However, I would conclude by saying that I do not think it is the starting point along which the two texts dealing with the phenomenon of love for love. Adventure based on a love that is not being reciprocated from the outset and in an attempt to achieve this retribution, so the top becomes obsessed with obtaining the unobtainable. This phenomenon, I think many experienced in their youth. The essay is based on a relationship where love has been reciprocated in the beginning, but where to stay true to each other is the goal. I think this is something most people only experience to be in their adulthood.
The overall kærlighedssyn has probably changed a part of romance, where the story has been written and postmodernism, where the essay was written. Yet there are texts in both a continuous tone that love does not last forever, but love to love last much longer. However, emphasizes both texts, the two things are not quite so together.