Aphids are small, 1 -- 6 mm long, which feed on insects that suck plant juices, they belong to the group of animals called invertebrates, which is a division of animals by the French biologist Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Lamarck was in charge. That they are invertebrates means they have no backbone, which makes them unique because 97% of all animals belonging to this group (the contradiction are vertebrates like fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals belong). Aphids live on plants and can occur in enormous quantities, which they regarded as a pest as it could be the case in our task. Aphids have a complicated succession that can resemble much of Daphnia, the females without fertilization summer of females give birth to live (clones). Last generation in autumn, however, consists of both females and males. The new females may thus have their eggs fertilized. The eggs hatch next spring and becomes new stammødrer. Aphids agree underlies many symbioses and food chains as a consequence of their stools (honeydew) which is very sugary including can myrere, ladybirds, Hoverfly larvae and parasitic wasps are mentioned.
Normann Gran, Abies procera, which is surely the favorite Danish fir tree at Christmas, are easily attacked by aphids. But not for Denmark's Christmas tree production (which is a very big market) have to suffer unnecessary harm spraying with insecticides, and among these are synthetic pyrethroids. How this drug works, I will go into later, but to clarify the damage aphids can do on the tree, I will briefly review the trees (and other plants) main botanical physiological traits. Plant cells have, as well as human cells need energy to a number of vital applications such as growth, maintenance and other intracellular processes. (one should expect an extra-large energy needs in the spring, also evergreen, as they have here a very high growth). The energy of these aforementioned processes comes from the cleavage of adenosine triphosphate to Adenosine diphosphate (ATP → ADP), but this ATP is formed, and it happens in all other cells in respiration, a biochemical process which, through the conversion of glucose and oxygen into water and carbon dioxide releases energy (here in aligned form):
C6H12O6 + 6O2> 6CO2 + 6H2O + 30 ATP
The way fotoautotrofe plant disposes of this glucose is
by photosynthesis, which is one of life on Earth quite basic process that green plants using solar lights can transform carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugar. Photosynthesis can be seen as the reverse process of respiration. Photosynthesis is an extremely complex chemical process which is divided into two main phases: lysfasen where light energy is converted to chemical energy and dark phase where the formation of carbohydrates takes place. But you can write an approximation of these processes by this equation:
K 5% XN / N-font-style: italic '> which is surely the favorite Danish fir tree at Christmas, are easily attacked by aphids. But not for Denmark's Christmas tree production (which is a very big market) have to suffer unnecessary harm spraying with insecticides, and among these are synthetic pyrethroids. How this drug works, I will go into later, but to clarify the damage aphids can do on the tree, I will briefly review the trees (and other plants) main botanical physiological traits. Plant cells have, as well as human cells need energy to a number of vital applications such as growth, maintenance and other intracellular processes. (one should expect an extra-large energy needs in the spring, also evergreen, as they have here a very high growth). The energy of these aforementioned processes comes from the cleavage of adenosine triphosphate to Adenosine diphosphate (ATP → ADP), but this ATP is formed, and it happens in all other cells in respiration, a biochemical process which, through the conversion of glucose and oxygen into water and carbon dioxide releases energy (here in aligned form):
6CO2 + 6H2O + E (light)> 6O2 + C6H12O6 (glucose)
The part of photosynthesis, where sunlight converts water and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen, occurs in chlorophyll, which is a organel only plants (and algae) have. The special thing about green grains is that they contain chlorophyll, which is a dye that gives plants their color [1], it can be both green and red, such as copper beech The red pigment called chlorophyll just do not, but it can, for example. be carotenoids. Chlorophyll acts as a catalyst in photosynthesis, where l ysenergien absorbed by the dye and converted to chemical energy in photosynthesis is consumed by assimilation of carbon dioxide. So the transformation of inorganic material to organic. Now we just get fed water and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide recorders plants through slots on the underside of the leaves. While the water (and also the nutrients that are absorbed via the roots) are transported to the leaves / needles through a piping system; vedkar. The water is pulled through xylen (vedkar) due to the osmotic pressure will be created in the tree top. The reason that water does not fall down (due to Newton's 1st law [2]) is that the inside of vedkarne is "sheathed" with hydrogen bonds. But this piping is unidirectional mean necessarily that there must be another system that can transport the glucose out above the rest of the wood cells (for example, the roots of constant is a large energy needs due to high growth). The second system is called sikar (Phloem) and here transported glucose as a solution of succrose. The aphids do to get this much energy-rich fluid is that it sticks its trunk through the tree's leaf / needle and reaches the sikaret and suck the liquid out (same principle as a Mosquito Culicidae) A single aphids will not do it major damage to a tree, but in large flocks, they will be able to move substantially in the wood energy circuit: All the energy the tree produces as a result of photosynthesis is called BPP (Gross Primary Production) When the tree has drawn energy from the respiration of ®, is an energy level back called NPP (Net Primary Production) this pool of energy to the wood is used primarily for growth and multiplication, but if the hordes of aphids attacking the tree, this pool will be less and less, ie. that the tree does not have surplus energy to growth. As a result of this is the Christmas trees ugly and small and a large Danish export income gaps. As a result of aphid energy-rich food source, they are a very attractive animals. Mariehøner love to eat them, and ants live in symbiosis with them where the ants protect them, and then they will be allowed to eat their excrement (honeydew, not to be confused with powdery mildew)
As mentioned, the aphids the effect that the trees are damaged and unattractive to Christmas customers, and if the attack is severe enough, the tree will die. So to avoid this, many of the plantations sprayed with insecticides. Pyrethroids are a tool being used. The substance among other things, is to block Na + channel, which makes the aphid is unable to transmit nerve signals. When a blockage of these channels occurs, there may not be sending an action potential. This can not because there may be a change in membrane potential (ie voltage will be located under the threshold). In resting sodium channels are not permeable, because the activation flip is closed. When there is a depolarisation opens the activation fold and Na + would normally flow into the cell, but here goes into the substance pyrethroid and blocks, so even flip open the Na + therefore can not enter. When the aphids can not send signagler, they die quickly because they can not send signals to the brain for example, etc. The substance in its natural form derived originally from plants in Chrysantemumfamilien, and is therefore closely related to this plant's own toxin pyrethrin. One danger is always associated with the use of pesticides is that the unwanted organism may develop resistance to the substance (particularly in an animal as aphids have a high reproductive capacity) One way I like the good organic farmer I now again would be J would come to aphids living on, would be to use a biological control agent: ladybugs! Simple, effective and inexpensive.
[1] In other words, the color as the plant has, represents the portion of the sunlight spectrum as the magazine does not pick up, but it does reflect.
[2] (inertia law) says that a body remains in its state of rest or rectilinear motion with constant speed as long as it is not influenced by an external force such as gravity Ft.