onsdag den 25. maj 2011


Integration is a topic that has been weighted high in the general election anno 2007th Denmark has become a popular country to seek asylum in - 503,699 immigrants per fine. 1. January in Copenhagen municipality. [1] This is an increase of 0.5% since 1 January 2006. [2] If immigration continues at the same high level, we need to change the reforms - this is policy aware. But the Danish people must also get used to the great migration. In fact, it also has a responsibility to help the Danes to become a part of a community and let them integrate. [3] A part of the integration is inter alia to find work. The policies are also aware. One of the goals of an integration policy is that more immigrants and their descendants, must work and be self-supporting. As the basis for this must have an education so they become more attractive on the labor market. [4]

Danish Peoples Party believes that such a wealthy country like Denmark, of course, to help people fleeing from life-threatening situations. Denmark to help them to get an accountability so they do not come to live in the goo of the Danish society. They must be able to support themselves and contribute to the country. Immigrants have to accept that in Denmark we have democracy and equality. When immigrants come to Denmark, the Danish People's Party believes that we must make some clear demands on them, they must integrate themselves, deal with an education and find work. Otherwise, the Danish community's future could not be guaranteed. Can not they find themselves in this, they must go home again. [5]

Liberals want the immigrants must have the same opportunities as Danes. We must grant asylum to those persecuted, but those who have not been admitted, shall immediately be sent home again. Liberals also say that they have been admitted to integrate properly. This we must help them by teaching them in Danish society, so they get some understanding of it. It is also important that they learn about Danish behavior and democracy, since this is not something they are accustomed to from their homeland. [6]

New Alliance believes we need to think new thoughts, according to integration. Denmark is too slow to handle the different cases and it is a pity for those seeking asylum. New Alliance does on their website also aware that it can not be right that such a wealthy country like Denmark allows asylum seekers to live so isolated from the Danish society. This does not help their integration. [7]

Quite generally, the parties agree on how immigrants should behave in the Danish society and how they should be treated. They must integrate themselves into work and have to find themselves in the Danish democracy. But we, as a prosperous country, will also help them in time. We will provide starter in the form of teaching, both in the Danish language, but also in how Denmark serves as country. By teaching them in Danish, they will automatically be able to participate more in society. They could go in Danish schools, work and in general work better in the Danish society. But it is not enough to immigrants trying to adapt to our society, the Danes must also learn that there are strangers to their country. They should not be xenophobic and racist, but rather help to immigrants.

Immigrants also need to find themselves in how Danish policy. They must respect the fact that there are certain traditions, they can not bring into the country. This could for example be the tradition to get married at a very young age-often in a forced marriage. This allows the Danish society does not, and so has made 24-year rule, which has also been much debated in the election campaign in years. [8]. The reason for the parties want to retain 24-year rule is that the way to avoid an increase in immigration to Denmark. Once the rule is, can the Danish immigrants not only bring their families up here.

But even if the parties agree to integration, they disagree with the approach, so the proposed solution to the problem. Danish People's Party does not believe Denmark should be a country that approves all applications for asylum. There must be clear rules on who can get asylum, and those who receive it must integrate itself quickly. Liberals consider that all who can respect the Danish rules are accepted. New Alliance backs VK government's tightening of immigration policy, but would nevertheless also on their website aware that they think they combed over in the end. [9]

We can discuss why Nasar Khader and New Alliance has chosen to run with a tight immigration policy. Nasar Khader is himself an immigrant, and by pursuing this policy, it gives him great distrust among other migrants.

Parties' electoral promises suggests that Denmark in the future will have a tighter immigration policy, which will result in a better integration.

[1] http://inm.ecoanalyse.dk/web/asp/ResultWindow1.asp

[2] http://inm.ecoanalyse.dk/web/asp/ResultWindow1.asp

[3] http://www.nyidanmark.dk/da-dk/Integration/integration_af_nyankomne/integration_af_nyankomne.htm

[4] http://www.nyidanmark.dk/da-dk/Integration/regeringens_integrationspolitik/regeringens_integrationspolitik.htm

[5] http://www.danskfolkeparti.dk/Udlændingepolitik614.asp

[6] http://www.venstre.dk/index.php?id=5410

[7] http://nyalliance.dk/show/131/Integration__udl__ndinge_og_v__rdier.htm

[8] http://www.venstre.dk/index.php?id=4502

[9] http://nyalliance.dk/show/131/Integration__udl__ndinge_og_v__rdier.htm