Conditioning and fitness rating:
Fitness is a manifestation of the body's ability to absorb, transport and utilize oxygen. Fitness rating is a measure of how much oxygen your body can absorb per kg. body weight per minute. This means that in jogging figure takes account of how many kg. body weight, the recorded oxygen is distributed over. This means that young people do not need as much oxygen as great people to have the same fitness rating.
Oxygen intake:
Muscles need energy for physical activities. The energy generated by an aerobic process called respirationsprocessen where oxygen is a necessary factor. It is therefore necessary that the injected muscles receive oxygen when they work. Oxygen entering the body via the respiratory tract from the nose and mouth and lungs. Smallest branches of the lungs, called alveoli, diffuse oxygen into the blood, which runs down the left - and ventricle, where it is pumped into the body to every cell. Cell walls are semipermeable, which means that small molecules, including oxygen and carbon dioxide can diffuse freely to and from the blood and each cell. When oxygen is used in cells under respirationsprocessen resulting carbon dioxide. In this way the oxygen is used to create energy for your body and there is a surplus of carbon dioxide in the cells during combustion, which will be returned with the blood to the lungs where it is again being replaced with oxygen.
When you are in good shape, you can quickly get shipped off oxygen to the muscles. This is due to greater lung capacity, increased capacity and volume of red blood cells. One can therefore measure how fit a person is in by measuring the amount of oxygen that is inhaled and exhaled. It is called a direct fitness test. To make such a test, you need a lot of equipment which is expensive. We have therefore prepared a lot of different indirect fitness tests, for it can form a picture of your fitness rating.
In our experimental work on three different fitness test:
Cooper test
2-point test
Cooper test and Bib-test are both based on empirical data. As stated in our attempts to guide bib-test, you have the scientific experiments elucidated a correlation between how far you can run in bib-test and one's fitness rating. In neither bib-test or the Cooper-test takes account of the practitioner's attention, however, takes account of gender in the Cooper test. Due. those reasons is my hypothesis that the test results from the two tests are not very precise and can differ greatly from actual fitness rating.
In 2-point test takes into account both the practitioner's age, weight and heart rate at various tasks. You can calculate the performer's max. workload by considering the person's maxpuls is 208-0.7 * age and pulse rate increases proportionally with the load. You can then convert the max working load of oxygen through the assumption of effectiveness (23%), iltens energetic value (21.1 kJ per. Liters of oxygen) and resting metabolic rate ( 0.25 liters oxygen per day. minutes). Since this test addresses both the performer's attention and indirect measures how much oxygen you use, is my hypothesis that this test will be far more accurate than the other two.