lørdag den 11. juni 2011

General education

General education, "subst. -N-r,-s. Knowledge about several key issues that have general interest, such as history, literature and society. "[1] The name given to general education, according Nudansk Dictionary. A designation as consistent with Christian Alnor's, rector of Middelfart Gymnasium og HF, dimissionstale from the year 2002. According to Christian Alnor is the gymnasium to create the skills and education they need in life, not only in higher education, but also in other situations life will bring us in. Gymnasium teaches us how we should be aware that we must know our own limitations and ideals. Christian Alnor mention in his speech how important it is that we not only think about our own little environment, but also the rest of the world. Using our voices, we can create an understanding for others, and may thereby affect our community. If we, according to Christian Alnor, follow three simple rules for the gymnasium and HF, we will have the building blocks that will make us generally formed: we must know something we should be able to something and we must be something.

But it's not just high school and other educational institutions which can give us a general education. Our parents, friends and surroundings also influence our general literacy and what we think is general education. Through our education teaches us how to treat other people. The general formation is therefore not an overall "cap" you can pull down over the people. Each person has his own individual training, where they evolve to form attitudes and skills.

In the old days it was only the rich who had the opportunity to attend school and thus be formed. In the 1800s it was thought it could only be formed at school, since the formation consisted of culture and history understanding. But today the formation not only for the rich. Even the poorest formed in Denmark today. This is not only that everyone has the right to school, but also our community's development. Formation is no longer a privilege but an expectation. There or worse a lot more emphasis on individuality and autonomy.

People from harsh environments, such as ghettos, has a different formation for an example people from the rich municipalities. Their role models have a negative impact on them and the environment itself will also have some of the residents to do things that many people find wrong. Burglaries, assaults and robberies are a part of everyday life for families living in these ghettos. The children are influenced by their older siblings, who run around and make trouble, and those weaned on the way to it is "normal". Young people often go around in groups, partly because they feel stronger. But the community and solidarity to them in these groups makes them feel stronger. But it is not only in ghettos created communities. Many group formation is also due to people's religion and race. These group formations are not necessarily medvilje. They are, quite naturally, because people's values and attitudes. Everyone wants to be part of a community, but will still stand out and be his own. Man is no longer forced into any community and social level as they were in the old days. Just because your parents have no education does not mean that we do not even have the opportunity to get a high academic qualification. In Denmark today is the possibility to break the old social framework big and you have the opportunity to sign his own future. But as Christian Alnor also mentions in his dimissionstale, our training has tremendous influence on our values and formation, and hence the choice is logical that we take. One can for example be based on Naerum Gymnasiums core values: high ceilings, bright and learn together. Here one can clearly see what values Naerum watchman High School for their students' education. Through students 'disagreements and differences, they learn, through talks, to respect others' positions, and could lead a fair debate. They must learn from these conflicts and thereby be formed to handle disagreements in real life. Students are educated through the community. They learn not only each other but also of community and solidarity formed in high school. Different personalities and attitudes will affect the individual's view of the world, and may affect a person's own values. [2]

General education is an extremely important influence on our understanding of other cultures and respect our differences as people. The general formation is influenced by everything around us, our parents, friends and the environment we grow up in. Liberal education is our vision of the world and its contents, and this formation is influenced and formed by that very same world. Not just our close relationship with our parents, friends and the environment we grow up in, but also all the things we do not immediately feel have any bearing on us, like other countries. These countries also have a vision of general education, which at one point also affect our eyesight. There is no checklist or precise answer to what general education is, and it's not something we just learn from one day to another, it is a lifelong journey that is aided by experience and an open mind.

[1] Politiken Nudansk Dictionary 1.oplag, 1999 Police Forlag A / S, p. 45

[2] http://www.nagym.dk/index.php?id=466, read: 17 February