lørdag den 11. juni 2011



This case deals with the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which is a catalyst which helps to regulate the pH of the human body. The active center of carbonic anhydrase containing zinc (II) and it is interesting to study hydrogen coordination to metal ions, as this part of the carbonic anhydrase reaction mechanism. In our calculations used Co (III) instead of zinc as Zn (II) replace the league award too quickly, and thus is unsuitable in model systems. Moreover reacting Co (III) so slowly that one can take measurements.
Why transition metal ions is usually seen in the metallo-enzymes active center

Transition metal ions have the ability to form coordination compounds because they can make complex bindings ligands, and therefore seen most frequently in metallo-enzymes.
Geometry around cobalt and coordination form of carbonato ion

Since there are ligands bound to cobalt ion-six places are complex koordinationstal 6, and the complex has thus oktaederstruktur. Tetra-amine ligand [3 5] adz complex forms 4 bonds and therefore is coordinating a chelate complex relationship which is fairly stable because of the 6-led call occurs and the way tetra-amine ligand "encloses" cobalt ion in . Complex bindings of [3 5] adz formed on the availability of electron on nitrogen atoms.

The binding complex between cobalt ion and carbonato ion generated by the displacement of a free electron from each oxygenatom (donate-atom) towards metal ions. The binding complex can be regarded as a kind of covalent bond where both electrons come from the binding ligand, thus carbonato ion. Since carbonato ion binds to the cobalt ion through two donate atoms, called ligand bidentat.